NEw Majority Ventures

New Majority Ventures is committed to creating $100B of new wealth by and for new majority founders by 2030.

We know that underrepresented founders comprise the fastest-growing segment of business owners in the U.S.

We believe it is economically prudent, fiscally sound, and financially responsible to support these founders — who drive the U.S. economy.

We aim to provide culturally competent content and access to experienced founders and leaders — to drive access to capital and support business growth.

Learn about our services

  • We create bespoke content and tools to support high-growth founders nationwide. We offer synchronous & asynchronous learning modules & courses. You can invest in a single module or a course bundle. Our content comprises engaging videos, podcasts, templates, and quizzes. The comprehensive courses allow participants to learn independently while benefiting from structured, expert guidance.

  • We foster community among our founders. Our mutual trust allows us to leverage their insight, experience, and outcomes to develop applied research. We aim to inform the field how best to support business growth among new majority founders.

    Check out our inaugural publication of the New Majority Journal!

  • We are a community of entrepreneurs, investors, and ecosystem builders with 30+ years of entrepreneurial experience. We can assist in program design and development, including creating a step-by-step implementation guide.

Founder Hustle Podcast

Access our podcasts and related content.

Coming Soon!

New Majority Ventures is developing an online platform for asynchronous learning for underrepresented founders.